When it comes to choosing the right supplier to purchase lifting equipment from, don’t take a chance on cheap products from dodgy online sellers or pick up second hand items from auction sites. Check out the reputation of the company you’re buying from fully to ensure you are getting the best possible deal for your business. This short blog lays out a few principles.
Look for a company that is long established and has a great track record in the field of lifting equipment. Many items of specialist equipment for lifting and moving are expensive and purchasing them for your business represents a significant investment. So you want to know that your supplier will be around to assist you in the future if you have queries or if things go wrong. By the same token, check that each item comes with a warranty or guarantee so that you can return it if there are any faults. Does the company stock a wide range of products? There can be no compromise when it comes to finding the right hydraulic jack or machine skates for a particular task. You therefore want the company you are sourcing from to have sufficient choice. Equally, don’t trust a supplier that does not post full details about each and every piece of kit they stock. Dimensions and lifting or moving capacity can be critical, for instance. Imagine purchasing a hydraulic toe jack whose clearance is too high for it to fit beneath the vehicles you need it to lift. You will have wasted valuable time and money.
Lifting and moving equipment, from the humble portable hydraulic jack to heavy equipment moving dollies, is a highly specialist field. On any building site or in any factory, for instance, the safety of your workers depends on the quality of machinery, tools and equipment they use. So it is in your best interests to make sure you buy the right product for the job. Check out the company’s website. Do they talk with authority about their products? Is the site packed with useful articles and information that will assist you to make the right choice? Look for indications that the company you’re thinking of buying from will assist you as you make your choice. Is there a phone number and an email address you can use if you have any queries? Another good indicator of a quality and reputable company is one that designs and manufacturers its own specialist equipment. If they do this, it is highly likely that they have the degree of expertise you need. Even better is the company that offers to tailor their products to meet your own, unique requirements. That way, you can be sure you will be getting exactly the right equipment for the task you want it to perform.
Finally, do they have their finger on the pulse when it comes to the lifting equipment industry? You’d expect them to introduce new products as they arrive on the market, as well as engaging with their clients face to face through trade shows and the like.